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October 2, 2013
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center

Members Present:        
Anthony Costello, , Kenneth Strom, Matthew Kennedy, Michael Scott, Michael Krikonis

Members Absent: 
Robert Lowell, Luke Boucher

Staff Present:          
Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent
Julian Votruba, NEED; Michael Andrade, Grave Engineering; William Senecal, Lamoureux Pagano; Michael Pagano, Lamoureux Pagano; Gary Kazmarek,
Town of Holden; Charles Bergeron, David Anderson, Matthew Stevens, Kathleen Runstrom, Erick Runstrom, Thomas Runstrom, Michael Lavallee, Marie-Ann Lavallee,
Beth LaVergne, Gilbert LaVergne, Sandra Jackson, Diane Zottoli, Jeffrey Zottoli, Isabel McCauley, Town of Holden; Tom Pirani, Carol O’Brien, Stephen O’Brien, Cynthia
Joslyn, Owen Ryan, Susan D’Angelo, Rocky D’Angelo, Paul Henderson, Wendy Mullane, Jeffrey Frysinger, David White, Mark Cooper, Cindy Cooper, Kiernan McGee,
AnnMarie Keane, Karen Scofield, Allan Scofield, Jari Kansanen.

Michael Scott opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.  

7:00 p.m        NOTICE OF INTENT – Mt. View Middle School – 270 Shrewsbury Street – Town of Holden Michael Pagano and Bill Senecal from Lamoureux Pagano introduced the new Mt. View Middle School project, the new school is 50% larger than the existing building consisting of a 130,000 square foot building, there will be 150 parking spaces and new ball fields.  Michael Andrade, Graves Engineering discussed drainage on the site.  Mr. Andrade discussed a Zone A tributary in the current location of the detention pond.  Mr. Andrade believed the Zone A is incorrectly mapped and resulted from the discharge of an untreated stormwater outlet.   Mr. Andrade has been working with the Department of Conservation and Recreation and the Department of Environmental Protection to remove the area from Zone A designation.  

Soil testing was done in the vicinity of the detention pond and at the proposed building site.  

Jeff Zottoli, 404 Main street owns abutting property and is concerned runoff  from the development will affect his land, he requested to go on record that his property has no current water problems. Mr. Zottoli submitted a letter from Places Associates, Inc. dated October 1, 2013 address to the Commission regarding review of the site plan and drainage, Graves Engineering also received a copy of the letter.  The letter was entered into the record.   

Mark Cooper, 49 Ottoson Way expressed concern about the change in runoff and groundwater.  Michael Andrade explained that there is no currently treatment of stormwater on the Mt. View site.    

Matthew Kennedy entered the meeting at 7:20 p.m.

Susan D’Angelo, 45 Ottoson Way wants to know what type of recourse she has if she is affected by the development.   Diane Zottoli, asked what the increase in impervious surface was.  
An exact figure was not known, but the information is provided in the stormwater calculations.

Rocky D’Angelo asked if parking area will require fill,  the proposed parking will require fill and the existing parking area will be fields.   Michael Andrade informed the abutters there will be no increase in the rate of runoff from stormwater.  

Matthew Kennedy questions requested a downstream analysis to Chapel Street and for stormwater calculations to utilize Cornell rainfall data.  The current site is located in fill and groundwater was found at 4’, the parking area found evidence of mottling between 3-4’.  Matthew Kennedy requested the outfall of the detention pond be relocated out of the embankments and a test pit be conducted within the pond.  

The Commission will be scheduling a site visit, and informed abutters they were welcome to attend.  The date and time of the site visit will be posted 48 hours in advance.  The public hearing was continued to the November 6, 2013 meeting and abutters will not receive additional notice.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE – 131 Autumn Circle This property was denied a Certificate of Compliance twice because a shed was located within the wetland.  Wendy Mullane, former owner, explained that she obtained a building permit for a shed that was located in the former area cleared for a swing set prior to her ownership.  The shed was inspected and approved by the building department and she attempted to do everything in accordance with rules and regulations.  Ms. Mullane no longer owned the property and relocating the shed would result in a significant hardship, the rear yard was also extremely limited.  The Commission agreed the home was constructed in accordance with the Order of Conditions and agreed to address the shed as a separate matter.  Michael Scott made a motion to issue a Certificate of Compliance for the construction of the home, Kenneth Strom seconded the motion, all were in favor, 5-0.  The Commission agreed the statute of limitations had expired on enforcing the violation for disturbance within the wetland.

NOTICE OF INTENT – 231 Bailey Road – Lavallee Construction of an Addition  The applicant is proposing to construct an addition on a single family home within the secondary zone of a perennial stream.   Julian Votruba from New England Environmental Design represented the Applicant.  Michael Krikonis reported the proposed area is already disturbed and there are limited alternatives.  George Kiritsy represented an abutting property owner whose driveway is located on the Applicants lot, the Commission informed him rights to the driveway are not within their perview.  Michael Krikonis made a motion to close the hearing, Michael Scott seconded the motion, all were in favor, 5-0.  Michael Krikonis voted to issue a standard Order of Conditions with a special condition that an erosion control barrier be required downgradient of construction, Michael Scott seconded the motion, all were in favor, 5-0.

REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION OF APPLICABILITY 30 Shrewsbury Street - Alden Research Laboratories – Installation of gas line – Alden Research Laboratory is working with N-Star to install a gas line within the site.  The gas line will run along the driveway into each building.  A portion of the driveway contains a culvert from a man made pond and concrete spillway which feed into Chaffins Brook.  The spillway is controlled by Alden Research and can be closed during the gas line installation to prevent any possible erosion from entering Chaffins.  David Anderson was present.  The gas trench will be 1’ in width and 3’ deep for the installation of a 4” gas line, trenching approximately 800 linear feet at a time.  Michael Scott made a motion to issue a Negative Determination Applicability with the condition that siltation barriers be installed around catch basins during construction, Michael Krikonis seconded the motion, all were in favor, 5-0.  

ABBREVIATED NOTICE OF RESOURCE AREA DELINEATION – C.B. Blair Development Greenwood Estates – Union Street  The Planning Board previously denied a definitive subdivision plan which was overturned in Superior Court.  The applicant has now filed an ANRAD to verify resource areas.  The definitive subdivision approval is for a 96 lots subdivision on approximately 60 acres of land.  The ANRAD application is to verify resource areas only and will not approve any development, approval of the subdivision will require the filing of a Notice of Intent.  The Commission informed the applicant a site of this magnitude would require peer review services.  The Commission will forward the applicant three wetland scientists to choose from.  Karen Schofield asked about endangered wildlife, Denise Miller asked about filling of resource areas.  The Commission assured the public a new filing and notification will be required for any proposed development within the jurisdictional areas on the site, this was to verify resource areas, which include any endangered species habitat.  Ken Strom informed the applicant metes and bounds of the property must be provided.  The hearing was continued to the November 6, 2013 meeting.  

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE – 496 Reservoir Street  (Lot 1) – 183-449 Issued to Elaine Drawbridge for construction of single family home.  An Order was issued in 2005 for the construction of a single family home and septic.  The erosion controls were inspected prior to construction.  The house and septic are now complete and the Applicant has requested a Certificate of Compliance.  Michael Krikonis voted to issue the Certificate of Compliance, Kenneth Strom seconded the motion, all were in favor, 5-0.  

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE – 274 Bailey Road  - DEP File #183-553 Septic System Replacement – Brunter This was an Order issued for the replacement of a septic system and patio for an existing single family home.  The Order was issued in 2012 and the erosion controls barriers were inspected prior to the start of construction.  The site was inspected and all work complied with the approved plans, the site was completely stabilized.  Michael Krikonis voted to issue a Certificate of Compliance, Kenneth Strom seconded the motion, all were in favor, 5-0.  

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE – 30 Cimarron Lane (Lot E) DEP File #183-366 B.A. Sundin & Son, Inc. The property is being sold, an Order was issued in 2003 for the construction of a single family home and the seller has requested a Certificate of Compliance.  This is the second request for a Certificate of Compliance, the building footprint did not match the approved plans, the Commission reviewed the as-builts and unanimously voted to deny the Request for a Certificate of Compliance.  

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE – 40 Sheffield Way DEP File #183-516 Hadley Construction of Single Family Home – This order was issued for the construction of a single family home, the home was recently completed and the builder is requesting a Certificate of Compliance.  The home is smaller and laid out slightly different than the approved plans with a drive under garage,  there appears to be area inside the 25’ no disturb zone that was cleared, all flagging and erosion controls were removed.  Michael Krikonis made a motion to deny the Certificate of Compliance, Kenneth Strom seconded the motion, the motion was unanimously denied 5-0.

CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Winter Hill Subdivision 183-103 - Robins Group  There is a recorded Order for a project which never commenced.  The project site was eventually permitted as Winter Hill Estates.  A seller of a lot on Winter Hill Road has requested a Certificate of Compliance be issued for the project to clear the title.  Michael Krikonis made a motion to issue a Certificate of Compliance, Kenneth Strom seconded the motion, all were in favor, motion passed 5-0.  

The next meeting is scheduled for November 6, 2013.

The next meeting is scheduled for November 6, 2013

The October 2, 2013 meeting minutes were approved on November 6, 2013.

Pamela Harding, Conservation Agent